Family Dentistry

Family Dentistry - Anchorage Dental Center

Anchorage, AK - Family Dentistry Services

Keeping your teeth clean now can pay huge dividends later, when having a clean bill of dental health can be the difference between losing your teeth and keeping them. Learning how to take care of your teeth is the first step toward keeping them healthy for the rest of your days.

At Anchorage Dental Center, you, your spouse, your kids, and everyone else under your roof can rest easy under our care in Anchorage, AK. 

At our office, you can be treated for a variety of dental issues, or simply get routine check-ups. Take a look at a few of the dental services below:

  • Sealants
  • Bonding
  • Crowns
  • Bridges
  • Dentures and partial dentures
  • Implants
  • Veneers 
  • Fillings
  • Root Canal Therapy
  • Tooth Extractions
  • Oral Examination

During your family's initial consultation at Anchorage Dental Center, they'll receive a visual examination, followed by charting and periodontal probing before a personalized treatment plan is put into place. X-rays will also be taken of your family's periodontal structures so that a proper diagnosis can be made of any proximal decay existing in their teeth that would have otherwise been overlooked.

For more information about the dental services Anchorage Dental Center brings its patients, give our office a call at (907) 278-2521 today and begin your family's journey towards happier, healthier smiles! 

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